Design Decisions

Why we chose to build PSRestful the way we did


The first version of PSRestful is created for Distributors in the Promotional Industry. It is important for Distributors to have access to several suppliers through one API. That is why we ask for supplier_code in all the endpoints.

In order to be more restful we should have used the following endpoints:

/orders/  (both Purchase Order and Order Status Detail)

And ask for things like:

  • supplier code
  • api version
  • culture
  • environment

In HTTP headers.

But we decided to keep the same structure as the SOAP API in order to make the transition easier for the Distributors.


We use a variety of authentication methods so the user is confident that their credentials are secure. We even allow some anonymous access to the API when we have the suppliers credentials and the Service/Method to be called is not sensitive.

HTTP Verbs

We only use GET and POST. We use GET for all queries:

  • Product Data Service
  • Inventory Service
  • PPC Service
  • Media Content Service
  • Order Status Service
  • Invoice Service

We use POST only for creating Purchase Orders:

  • Purchase Order Service(sendPO Method)

About REST

In order to be more restful, we should have use the following conventions in the product data: we should have create an endpoint called /products and be able to use the query parameters to filter the results like this:




for media content we should have used the following endpoint:


and we will have both methods in only one comprehensive endpoint.

But in this case getMediaContent allows to filter by part id, by media type and class type while GetMediaDateModifiedRequest doesn't allow to filter by part id, media type and class type.

Because in order to be really REST and fast we should have the data cached and this service is a basic proxy we decided to keep more close to the Standard.

We did some minor modification in the names like:

  • /medias instead of getMediaContent
  • /sellable-products instead of getProductSellable



We will create another service that will include caching and will be more restful:

  • consolidating all product data methods in one endpoint.
  • consolidating both media content methods in one sub endpoint, behind /products/<id>/medias
  • consolidating both inventory methods in one endpoint, behind /products/<id>/inventory
  • consolidating all PPC methods in one endpoint, behind /products/<id>/xxx
  • consolidating sendPO and order status detail methods in one endpoint, behind /orders/
  • consolidating invoice methods in one endpoint, behind /invoices/