Order Status
How to get order status details

How to get order status details

Educational video from PromoStandards

Function getOrderStatusDetails

In order to get order status detail for a given supplier we need to use Order Status Service(ODRSTAT). Our API allows easy access by a GET request to our order-status-details endpoint.

Query Types

query_typeShort NamePSRESTfulDescription
1PO SearchPO_SEARCHQuery based on customer provided purchase order number.
2SO SearchSO_SEARCHQuery based on vendor assigned sales order number.
3Last Update SearchLAST_UPDATE_SEARCHQuery based on all orders with an update time greater than the value specified in statusTimeStamp.
4All Open SearchALL_OPEN_SEARCHQuery based on all orders that currently have a status other than “Complete” and “Cancelled”.

You can use it in several ways. If you know the Purchase Order or Sales Order you can pass that paremeter and also use the query type accordingly to PO_SEARCH or SO_SEARCH. One very useful is to query by ALL_OPEN_SEARCH, in that case, the supplier will sending all the open Orders.

Of course, you can also search using LAST_UPDATE_SEARCH in combination with status_timestamp.

In summary, ALL_OPEN_SEARCH and LAST_UPDATE_SEARCH can be used to prepare a CRON Job so you can keep your system updated. PO_SEARCH and SO_SEARCH are useful to create a UI displaying the information for an order.


URL: https://api.psrestful.com/v1.0.0/suppliers/{SUPPLIER_CODE}/order-status-details/ (opens in a new tab)

Example Response:

This is the response from calling with:
query_type = ALL_OPEN_SEARCH


    "OrderStatusArray": {
        "OrderStatus": [
                "purchaseOrderNumber": "PO043557",
                "OrderStatusDetailArray": {
                    "OrderStatusDetail": [
                            "factoryOrderNumber": "35865767",
                            "statusID": 80,
                            "statusName": "Complete",
                            "responseRequired": null,
                            "validTimestamp": "2023-05-24T17:19:32.370000+00:00",
                            "expectedShipDate": "2023-05-24T23:59:00+00:00",
                            "expectedDeliveryDate": null,
                            "ResponseToArray": null,
                            "additionalExplanation": "Order has shipped in full—No further updates will be given"
                "purchaseOrderNumber": "3900",
                "OrderStatusDetailArray": {
                    "OrderStatusDetail": [
                            "factoryOrderNumber": "35900100",
                            "statusID": 80,
                            "statusName": "Complete",
                            "responseRequired": null,
                            "validTimestamp": "2023-07-03T21:19:02.887000+00:00",
                            "expectedShipDate": "2023-07-03T23:59:00+00:00",
                            "expectedDeliveryDate": null,
                            "ResponseToArray": null,
                            "additionalExplanation": "Order has shipped in full—No further updates will be given"
    "ErrorMessage": null