Standardized Codes summarized per service

Standardized Codes summarized per service

Core codes

The first group of codes are used in all services

The range of 100-199 has been reserved for standardized error codes.

The number 999 has been reserved for an error codes that is a "General Error - Contact System Service Provider"

100ID (customerID) not found
104This account is unauthorized to use this service. Please contact the service provider
105Authentication Credentials failed
110Authentication Credentials required
115wsVersion not found
120The following field(s) are required [Comma Delimited field names]
125Not Supported
130Function not supported
999General Error – Contact the System Service Provider

Product 1.0.0 & 2.0.0

135Product color not found
140Part Id not found
145Part color not found
150Part size not found

Media Content 1.1.0

130Product Id not found
135Product color not found
140Part Id not found
145Part color not found
150Part size not found
155Invalid Date Format
160No Results Found

Product Price & Configuration 1.0.0

400productID not found
401currencyID not found
402priceType not found
403fobId not found
404localizationCountry not found
405localizationLanguage not found
406configurationType not found

Inventory 1.2.1 & 2.0.0

600Product Id not found
610Data violation: {0}
(Occurs when a supplier does a pre-check on the data and finds that there is a mismatch of data and/or there are incorrect calculations)
620Field is not supported: {0}
630Part Id not found

Purchase Order 1.0.0

200Duplicated transaction detected. PO was not submitted.
210Data violation: {0} (Occurs when a supplier does a pre-check on the data and finds that there is a mismatch of data and/or there are incorrect calculations)
220Field is not supported: {0}
230Field is partially supported: {0} (Use in situations where a supplier cannot accommodate different line level in-hands dates, fobs, etc. The responder will explain in the message what the course of action will be.)
240The following is not supported by the Simple order type: {0}
250The PO is received but there may be a delay in processing.

Order Status 1.0.0 & 2.0.0

200queryType not found
210queryType not supported
212Function does not support returning issues
[This message is used when the implementation does not support returning issues.]
213returnIssueDetailType not supported
[This message is used when the implementation supports returning issues but not the type requested. For example, allIssues is specified but the function can only return openIssues.
214Function does not support returning Product Details
220No Orders were found for the requested criteria
230No Issue was found for the given issue identifier
240The specified Issue has already been resolved
250statusTimeStamp is incorrect or is an invalid date range

Order Shipment Notification 1.0.0 & 2.0.0

300queryType not found
301referenceNumber not found
302shipmentDateTimeStamp is incorrect or is an invalid date range

Product Compliance 1.0.0

600Product Id not found
610Data violation: {0}
(Occurs when a supplier does a pre-check on the data and finds that there is a mismatch of data and/or there are incorrect calculations)
620Field is not supported: {0}
630Part Id not found