Order Shipment Notification
How to get order shipment notification

How to get order order shipment notifications

Educational video from PromoStandards

Function getOrderShipmentNotification

In order to get order order shipment notification for a given supplier we need to use Order Shipment Notification Service(OSN). Our API allows easy access by a GET request to our order-shipment-notifications endpoint.

An order can have shipment notifications once they reach the following statuses:

  • Partially Shipped
  • Shipped
  • Complete

Hence, it doesn't make any sense to query by PO or SO search to orders in other statuses.

Query Types

query_typeShort NamePSRESTfulDescription
1PO SearchPO_SEARCHQuery based on customer provided purchase order number.
2SO SearchSO_SEARCHQuery based on vendor assigned sales order number.
3ShipDate SearchSHIP_DATE_SEARCHQuery based on all shipments with a shipment date greater than the value specified in shipmentDateTimeStamp.


URL: https://api.psrestful.com/v1.0.0/suppliers/{SUPPLIER_CODE}/order-shipment-notifications/ (opens in a new tab)

Example Response:

This is the response from calling with:
supplier_code = PCNA
query_type = PO_SEARCH
reference_number = 50



Error Response Example

    "OrderShipmentNotificationArray": null,
    "ErrorMessage": {
        "code": 301,
        "description": "referenceNumber not found"

another Error Response Example

    "OrderShipmentNotificationArray": null,
    "ErrorMessage": {
        "code": 999,
        "description": "Invalid SOAP params passed. The earliest date that can searched can be no longer than 7 days."